John Alley

John is the Senior Minister of Peace Apostolic Ministries in Rockhampton and has a strong call to pioneer apostolic ministry. John loves to encourage other apostles, pastors and churches, and there are many young and old, Asian and Australian, who look to John as a spiritual father. The Lord has given him vital messages for today on apostolic revelation, the reformation of the church, grace, listening prayer, intercession and spiritual warfare. He regularly conducts apostolic schools and conferences to equip and release believer to serve the body of Christ and to advance the renewal of the church. John and Hazel have known great blessing on their home life. They have 8 children, David, Philip, Elizabeth, Stephen, Simeon, Joseph, Ezekiel and Susanna.

Ministry Experience

As a 15 year old John found Christ and from a young age sought the Lord for wisdom and understanding. John has been preaching since his late teens and has been in full time ministry for 40 years. John has ministered in many nations around the world teaching and providing fathering to ministries and pastors in many places. John has written 3 books providing insight and fresh revelation concerning the restoration of apostles, and the changing nature of the Church in the world. These books are The Apostolic Revelation, The Spirit of Sonship and Holy Community. These books have changed churches and lives permanently as they describe how the Body of Christ is moving from being institutional to being relational. They describe the journey into love that all believers must take, and how the Kingdom needs Apostles to bring that to happen.

Countries Ministered In

John has visited and ministered in all States of Australia plus Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Solomon Islands, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Japan, United States of America, Canada, Ireland, England, Italy, Nigeria South Africa, Zimbabwe, Ivory Coast, Ghana, India and Cambodia.

John Alley

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