About Us

About Peace Apostolic Ministries

Peace is a collection of ministries based in Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia,  The aim of Peace is to carry an apostolic message to the Body of Christ.  In summary, the Lord is maturing his Church.  This requires the restoration of apostles in the likeness of the New Testament.  The result will be that the Body of Christ becomes more relational and less institutionalized.  A key part of this is the growing love for one another between pastors and congregations, relating to each other and serving each other. 


The Nicene creed says “We believe in one holy, catholic and apostolic church.”  Many believers understand what it means to be catholic, or holy, but we aim to teach what it means to be apostolic, and what it means to be one.


Our emphasis is on proper relationships in the Body of Christ, Unity between believers, Sonship, the restoration of Apostles and Prophets and the authority they are supposed to have. We believe that in addition to these things, that God will restore citywide elderships and that the future contains surprises that are wonderful.

Peace conducts ministry through: 

  • Online Training
  • Books and Literature
  • Visiting and Encouraging Churches
  • Producing Video and Television Content
  • Holding our Annual Australian Apostolic Summit and Leaders Retreat
  • Online Publishing
  • Raising Preachers in the Ministry Locally and in Other Places.

We have a great team who loves each other, and together these are some of the things we try to do for the Kingdom. 

About Our Team

John Alley

Senior Minister

David Alley

Senior Leader