09 Dec The Spirit of Sonship in Spanish
Since our commission from God to “take the apostolic message to the nations,” we have tried our best with our abilities and resources, and much prayer to do that via all means. We knew we would have to see our materials eventually translated into other languages. Already with the help of our family in Indonesia we have seen a number of resources available there in Bahasa, and some resources are now available in other languages such as Nepali.
As wonderful as that is, the Lord spoke to me last year saying we were to focus on European languages because of their influence dating back to the colonial period. European languages have a bigger reach in the world. The biggest of all the European languages in Spanish, which is also the language of the majority of Central and Southern America, as well as parts of Europe and Africa. More people speak Spanish than English and it is the world’s second most prominent language after Chinese. I knew we needed to start moving to Spanish, but didn’t know how. We needed God to open doors and so we prayed.
By the grace of God he brought to us Apostle Santiago Lastra Morales from Mexico, who personally flew to Australia. Both my father John Alley and I admire Apostle Santiago much, and have come to see in him such authenticity as a genuine apostle. He is someone who quite separately to us through the revelation of Christ, has come to see the relational nature of how the Church is supposed to be.
God is not only raising genuine apostles in the world, but he is bringing them to each other to relate to each other, and building a fabric of relationships as part of what he is desiring to do.
Apostle Santiago and his Mexican church have spent much time, in translating and editing the Spirit of Sonship into Spanish in the last 6 months. It is a big book and is currently now going through the final stages of conversion into digital formats. It will shortly be available at amazon.com, ibooks, and for free on our own website. We are also preparing a print on demand format so that the book will be available in hard copy shortly too.
We have found not only the answer to our prayer for translation, but even more a great quality relationship and friendship with Apostle Santiago and his people. We now have family in Mexico. That’s exciting!!
And watch this site because if you can speak Spanish, you’ll be able to download “El Espiritu de Hijo” very soon.
9 Dec 2014 | Message by David Alley