29 Mar A Global Warming of Hearts
For many years now we have heard much talk in the media about climate change, sometimes called global warming. Not everyone agrees that the climate is changing, and those who agree are split on whether its caused by humans, or a natural phenomena. This blog is not about any of that.
However this blog is about the global warming of hearts towards Christ, which is something which will truly change the world.
When a person has surrendered their heart to Christ, and it is filled with the love of the Lord, something changes in them. This is the Holy Spirit at work in us, or what Jesus labelled being “born again” in John chatper 3. When he was converted, John Wesley said “my heart was strangely warmed.” (Read More Here) And it is the same with each of us who find Christ, we discover that our heart has changed towards God, and then towards people.
It is the warmth of God’s love, when it fills our heart, causes our heart to warm towards others. Before we hated people, or at best despised people we disapproved of. Others we ignored because they were irrelevant to us, and what mattered most was ourselves. That was the state of our hard or cold heart. But the love of Christ does not leave us there.
So with hearts that are warmed, we have learned to forgive others, and let them off their sin against us, because we know Christ has forgiven us too. We have learned to bless those who persecute us, and we have learned to pray for those who disagree with us. It’s a wonderful place to be. In the love of God, we cannot be touched, and this world’s pities are below us.
There is supposed to be a state of global warming. There is supposed to be a growth of the gospel, from heart to heart as the love of Christ infuses people with himself, and changes them. The nations are supposed to bow to the Lord. As Romans says “every knee will bow, and every tongue confess.” That nations are to find the Lord, and as people who do have warm hearts, and do care, it is our call, to pray for such a global warming of hearts.
Do you know a person with a hard heart? Do you have people in your life who do not know the love of God? You who do know, and you who do love, can begin today to pray the warmth of God into them. And what about your fellow believers? Pray for the warmth and love of God to grow and spread between you too, and the Lord will build his church.
The scriptures say “If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sin, and heal their land.” (2 Chron 7:14) . That last phrase is surprising because it connects the environment with the prayers of God’s people. There is more to explore in that idea, but one thing is sure, we are called to pray and see the love of God change the world.
There is supposed to be a global warming, of hearts that is.