27 Apr Australian Apostolic Summit Only One Month Away
For well over 1500 years it seems that Christian believers thought there were no longer any apostles, and yet in the last 20 -25 years, it is astounding how quickly many people in the Body of Christ have come to realise, understand and accept the place that apostles have today, and into the future.
Twenty One years ago when these concepts were new to many, and not well understood, Peace Apostolic Ministries started its first annual Australian Apostolic Summit in Rockhampton. At that time John Alley, and those with him at Peace had things to share concerning the restoration of apostles, and a number of those things have come into existence. Previous to that first summit however, John Alley was teaching these things in many nations and sowing the idea, helping to create space in the hearts and minds of God’s people for what God was doing.
This year we hold our 20th Summit (yes, that is correct) and that’s a testimony to the grace of God, in an area of ministry and church life that is so new to many believers, even though it has it’s roots in the early church.
Despite being able to help introduce this idea to many, and help to bring change, one thing is apparent to John and those at Peace. What has been effectively restored to the Church is simply the idea of the apostle, and not the reality of the apostle. The authority, place and role of apostles in the scripture has not yet been realised by many people who call themselves apostles today, and the understanding of what all those things mean is largely lacking. There is still a lot of teaching yet to take place today.
This years Summit is going to start to tackle some of the areas that are misunderstood. It is an occasion not to be missed. Come and expect to receive not just information, but impartation, and the fellowship of God’s people. God is at work – believe, expect and receive from Him.
More Information on the Summit is available at https://www.peace.org.au/summit