Author: John Alley

This is part three of a blog series by John Alley on the subject of apostolic authority. These are taken from Chapter 5 of his book, The Apostolic Revelation. . Part two is available here. A Different Style of Authority Note at this point that Christ’s leadership and...

This is part two of a blog series by John Alley on the subject of apostolic authority. These are taken from Chapter 5 of his book, The Apostolic Revelation. . Part one is available here. No Authority Without Submission to Authority But wait! There can be no authority without...

This is part one of a series of blogs by John Alley on Apostolic Authority. These are taken from Chapter 5 of his book, The Apostolic Revelation. The question of authority is one of the pivotal issues for the reformation of the church. As we often...

This is continued from part two. He believed that to keep the revival, and to consolidate the work God had done, the people needed to enter into a solemn oath and covenant before God. In March, 1742, he drew up such a document, which is recorded in...

This article is continued from Part 1 The man’s ‘delusion’ was, having read that in the last times the Holy Spirit would give gifts to all believers and not just to ministers, he thought, because of the revival, the time must have come, and so he...

How do you maintain a revival once you have one? The question is relevant, because most of the revivals in history have been very short-lived. Not many revivals last more than a year or two; some last only a day or two. Who wants to...

This is a snippet from Chapter 4 of The City Gate by John Alley. On a recent Sunday morning I asked my church this question: “What one thing, more than any other, if we prayed for it and saw it come about, would do more to...