
Latest news and articles from Peace

Five hundred years ago, in 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 points of contention to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenburg, Germany. The Church was thrown into a process of change that has profoundly shaped not just the Church, but the world and...

Have you noticed the huge increase in information (and mis-information) in the world about apostles and apostolic ministry lately? There is a surge of interest in something new that God is doing in the nations. For more than twenty years, Peace Apostolic Ministries has been educating...

Even though English is the language of choice for many people, actually the majority of people in the world cannot speak English. Translation into other languages is crucial for us to get the apostolic message into key places. By the grace of God some doors...

Monumental change is going on around you even though all feels normal. It’s like standing on a glacier. It feels solid and still, but in truth it is BIG and it is MOVING. What God is doing right now in the world is profound and hard...

It is God who opens doors and closes them. Sometimes we try to force doors, and working in our own strength we miss the grace of God. But when the Lord builds the house, grace flows freely, good things happen, and unnusual and special things...

For many years we have prayed that the doors of ministry to Europe would open to us. Even though we have as a ministry been to England and Ireland many times, it was really mainline Europe where we have not had opportunity to do much. God...

As a young pastor in Mt Morgan struggling for converts I receive wise advise from a traveling evangelist. He told me “it is God who builds the church,” and advised me to pray for God to take His place as builder. I began praying daily the prayer that...