
Latest news and articles from Peace

God is stirring up pastors everywhere, with a heart for one Body of Christ. What we are witnessing in our days is something unprecedented in terms of a movement towards being one. And it seems at this time that the City Gate book is here...

Coming Soon…. our online training environment where you will be able to participate in an apostolic school online. We’ve been working hard to get our training environment up, and over the last few months since our last update we have recorded a lot of video, built...

We humans have a terrible track record for taking things which are full of life, exciting, and where God is moving, and turning them into systems, traditions, programs, patterns. We turn life into something formal. We can all think of any number of moves of God...

We always believe the Lord to do more with us, than before. We look with faith to Him, trusting to see more of Christ, and to find fellowship with Him, and with the saints that we belong to. Our lives constantly increase in joy as...

Bethlehem was a little town in Judea when Christ was born there, and today (pictured above) it is still a small middle easter town. There is little to differentiate it from other places, and yet Christ chose this location to be born. Christ has always been...

David Hood and Peter Staines travelled to Myanmar on the 8th November to visit friends and to hold three apostolic schools. We were able to share fellowship with Pastors Mang, Suum and Thang, Ps Pau was in the USA. This was David’s 4th visit to...

This September Isaac Jenkins and myself visited the Solomon Islands on behalf of Peace Apostolic Ministries to minister at an annual Leadership Summit in Honiara. Pastors were in attendance from most of the Solomon Islands provinces, including Choiseul where one pastor travelled 5 days by...

It’s easy to not consider the Christmas experience that others have each year as we can easily be consumed by our own lives and experiences. Christmas in many parts of the world is not the glamorous event that is often witnessed in the west. In...

The last two weeks Michael Appleton has been in India visiting, encouraging and strengthening pastors and churchs, serving them wholeheartedly and seeing great grace released through it all. We have deep relationships in a number of places in India, but no more than in Chennai, Tamil...

For six months now we have been working and planning toward our online apostolic school. This will be an virtual training environment with video, reading material, quizzes and also interaction with teachers, for learning and understanding what God is doing in regards to the apostolic...