
This is part four of a blog series by John Alley on the subject of apostolic authority. These are taken from Chapter 5 of his book, The Apostolic Revelation. Part three is available here. The Specific Authorities of an Apostle A review of the New Testament shows...

This is part three of a blog series by John Alley on the subject of apostolic authority. These are taken from Chapter 5 of his book, The Apostolic Revelation. . Part two is available here. A Different Style of Authority Note at this point that Christ’s leadership and...

This is part two of a blog series by John Alley on the subject of apostolic authority. These are taken from Chapter 5 of his book, The Apostolic Revelation. . Part one is available here. No Authority Without Submission to Authority But wait! There can be no authority without...

This is part one of a series of blogs by John Alley on Apostolic Authority. These are taken from Chapter 5 of his book, The Apostolic Revelation. The question of authority is one of the pivotal issues for the reformation of the church. As we often...

In Ephesians 4:13 it states “This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.” (NLV) What is going to...

Have you ever stopped to consider what you value in ministry? Ministry is about others, and your values should therefore be others focussed. Sometimes ministers find that subconsciously they have self focussed ministry values, aimed to make themselves sucessful. That is, they serve others, so...

Who is the first apostle in the Bible? While it seems that we first find apostles in the gospel accounts when Jesus selected his twelve, actually none of these are first. The writer of Hebrews tells us to “fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge...

The outback of Australia is one of the most remote parts of the planet, and also one of the least populated. Over the years a number of ministries have endeavored to reach out to people living in the interior. The most well known of these...

During April Peace has ministered, with the visit of Pastor Lloyd Gill, at a number of locations in Uganda, Africa. Lloyd has ministered for Bishop Wafula Frederick, Pastor Simon Bali and Brother Timothy at a number of locations including Kampala, Wakitaka and a remote place near...