
Humanity and Grace Combined In earlier chapters, we spoke at some length of the grace and sovereign power of God at work in apostles. We must now recognise that our humanity remains, and is ‘mixed in’ with the grace of God at every point of the...

EXPECTATIONS – WHERE THEY CAME FROM AND HOW TO CHANGE THEM I concluded my last blog with some questions relating to the topic of expectation. I would now like to relate this back to the topics I addressed last year, those of Love and Unity. If we...

When someone is looking for the “best” church to attend, it really depends on what their motive is. I have met people who are looking for a church that meets their needs. They want comfortable chairs, wonderful music, entertaining preaching, an air-conditioned facility, and great babysitting...

Can Other People Take an Apostle ‘Off Course’? Is it possible for others to adversely affect an apostle’s time and ministry, or cause events to turn out contrary to the apostle’s knowledge of the will of God? Yes again! At least one of the shipwrecks Paul...

Romans 8:18-21 It is some time since I have written. We have navigated the Christmas, New Year and school holiday seasons and have ventured into 2020. In my previous blogs I discussed two things that were dear to the heart of our Lord Jesus, and thus...

This is a continuation from Part 1. Do Apostles Ever Speak Their Own Thoughts, Rather Than Purely the Mind of the Lord? Paul gives advice in areas where angels might fear to tread — that of whether to marry or not. These are examples of those passages...

Most of us are familiar with bandwidth or data allowances. A phone provider might give you 10 Gigabytes of data for the month, and once it is used up, you have to wait until the month renewal date comes around, or buy more data. That...

One of the struggles that pastors, priests and church leaders have all around the world, is getting their people/parishioners to think beyond themselves. It’s not about them, but about what God is trying to do through them. Typical church attenders come because for them, it is...

For the last five or six years a strange thing has been happening to me. I regularly check the time on my phone, a clock or anywhere, and its 9:11. That number seems to really stand out. Someone suggested it was a case of confirmation...

The photo attached to this post gives a quick sense of what I want to say. Before us is something beautiful, wonderful and worth pursuing, but also significantly challenging. Should we look at what is ahead and think it is too difficult, and shrink back,...