The Spirit of Sonship

Very often when new understanding breaks upon the Church, believers preach, teach, and organise themselves in line with that new understanding. But sometimes a movement goes too far, or grasps new ideas with incomplete understanding, and so there may be unintended consequences. People mean well,...

It’s hard to place a value on growing up with two parents who love you. Orphans often grow up deprived of key relationships and develop differently as adults, seeing the world in a different way. A person such as this, even though they may understand...

Apostolic blessing is a type of blessing that is needed and important. This blessing comes from apostles and comes with power as a result of apostolic authority and anointing. It is for the blessing, enriching, strengthening, and protecting of the saints. In the Old Testament, the...

All our lives we have heard the word ‘blessing’. The subject of blessing is mentioned in the Bible about 600 times, and its opposite, cursing, about 200 times. That makes this subject a major theme of the Scriptures. Whilst we have heard much about curses...