City Gate Published in Australia

“The City Gate” is the latest of John Alley’s books. During the recent Australian Apostolic Summit, we had an advance shipment of 150 copies and the book was launched at the summit. All these copies sold quickly.

Currently the book is undergoing printing in Indonesia, and a shipment is expected to arrive in Australia within weeks. The book should be available from late July. Please check for updates. Once available you will be able to purchase copies from that website.

This is an important book that explains the critical importance of city elderships. It is hard to overestimate how crucial this message is. Your prayer for this message to be received and understood particularly by pastors and leaders everywhere are highly valued.

If you haven’t read the book yet, it is available at amazon for purchase as a digital book, and will be available on both this website, adn the website above within a few weeks.

28 Jun 2016 | Message by webmaster