11 Sep Unity Part 1
John 17:20-26
For the past 5 weeks we have discussed the Great Commandment and Love. We are now going to consider another passage which gives us a clear insight into Christ’s desire for us.
In this passage known as the High Priestly Prayer, we read the Lord Jesus’ passionate plea to His Father, “….. that all of them may be one Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me”. The timing of our Lord’s prayer is also significant, as it falls into the same period as the Command to Love, which was immediately before Jesus was arrested and subsequently crucified. So these matters were of critical importance to our Lord Jesus and Father God.
As with the Command to Love (as Jesus loved us), Jesus defines in His prayer how we are to be one (as Jesus and the Father were one v22). But we are also told that Jesus gave the glory for this to be so. Also Christ’s Command to Love and His prayer for unity have another common position. They will both be a witness to the world, “I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and loved them even as you have loved me” (v23).
As an Apostolic Ministry we at Peace believe that Christianity must be relational and not institutional. Our Lord made it very clear that love and unity were foundational priorities for Him and the Father. In an earlier blog I briefly discussed the fact that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are in perfect agreement about everything. Jesus declared that He only said what He heard the Father say.
Why is it that such clear directives and desires of our Lord are so neglected? Why does the Church put greater priority on so many other things that produce so little fruit, when Jesus Himself has told us what will be the best witness to the world?
There are possibly some reasons that are unpalatable, and we would struggle to even entertain, far less seriously consider and deal with.
What should be obvious to us is that our enemy the devil, according to Jesus, is a liar (John 8:44) and opposes the word of God and us.
We must recognise that the Lord is very gracious and still uses His Church to bless and spread the gospel. How much more effective could we be if we did things God’s way?
Blessings, David.