Myanmar Apostolic Schools

David Hood and Peter Staines travelled to Myanmar on the 8th November to visit friends and to hold three apostolic schools. We were able to share fellowship with Pastors Mang, Suum and Thang, Ps Pau was in the USA. This was David’s 4th visit to Myanmar and Peter’s first. We previously had held three apostolic schools in the capital, Yangon in 2014-15.

The ministry commenced with a 2 1/2 day school Thursday to Saturday in Yangon with about 50 in attendance, 24 being first time attendees. On Sunday Peter ministered at Mang’s fellowship and David at Thang’s. Monday we visited Suum’s fellowship where there was a special meeting to coincide with the Buddhist new moon festival. There were many children and parents there and after some items David and Peter helped distribute gift boxes and gospel tracts provided by Samaritans purse.

Monday afternoon we travelled by bus to Taungoo (Taung-gnu) a city 220 kilometres north of Yangon. We held a 2 day school here for 25 delegates from Tuesday to Wednesday. Wednesday evening we had a 12 hour, 651km overnight bus journey to Lashio (Lar-show) which is in Shan state and borders China, Laos and Thailand.

Lashio was the location for our last school which ran for 2 1/2 days Thursday to Saturday. We had 30 people in attendance for this school.

Peter and David ministered the core elements of the Apostolic message in each location. The people were very attentive, receptive and responsive. Our Myanmar Pastor friends gave us very encouraging feedback, reporting that the people very very blessed with the teaching. We presented 79 Apostolic school certificates from this ministry in addition to the 66 presented previously.

We ministered at the host church in Lashio on the Sunday morning, and took a 2 hour flight back to Yangon in the afternoon, (much better than the 20 hour bus journey our pastor friends endured on their return Saturday night. We shared breakfast with the brothers on Monday morning and debriefed the fortnights ministry, then prayed for our friends, before departing for the airport.

It was a rich time of fellowship and ministry, with a further sowing of the Apostolic message into new areas and hearts.

Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash