Apostle Tag

Currently Peace Apostolic Ministries is ministering in Uganda. Lloyd Gill sends an update. On Tuesday last week we travelled to Masindi, and the next day was involved in a workshop on education, speaking on Fathering and Sonship. I spoke regarding blessing and generational blessing, finished with...

John Alley’s new book The City Gate has arrived today, and we are pleased to be sending out the first pre-orders today to all those who have been so patiently waiting. It has been a long wait, as printing and shipping has taken a number of months, but...

Several thousand copies of the City Gate book are expected to arrive in Australia about mid August. Printing of the books has been completed in Asia and we are awaiting shipping and distribution. A number of people have expressed interest in the books availability, not just...

John Alley and Dennis Wells left yesterday (Monday June 27) to minister in Africa at an Apostolic Youth Camp in South Africa hosted by Pastor Hosea. Next week, they will be joined by Pastor Peter Staines, and will continue ministry at an Apostolic Summit in...

Over the last few weeks John Alley has been ministering in South Africa and Kenya. In South Africa, John was joined by Dennis Wells and Peter Staines. John described their time with these words: “We have been in South Africa a week, and it’s been good....

“The City Gate” is the latest of John Alley’s books. During the recent Australian Apostolic Summit, we had an advance shipment of 150 copies and the book was launched at the summit. All these copies sold quickly. Currently the book is undergoing printing in Indonesia, and a...

For the last few years, if anyone wanted to order physical products (actual books, cds or dvds) they had to phone our office and place an order. However from today these items will be available for purchase online, through our ordering system. Most of the same...

Since our commission from God to “take the apostolic message to the nations,” we have tried our best with our abilities and resources, and much prayer to do that via all means. We knew we would have to see our materials eventually translated into other...