Bible Tag

There’s something to know about the interesting number, one thousand in the Bible. In the Koine Greek language the word used is χιλιάς (kilias) which is where we get the word ‘kilo’ in English, as used in kilometre (a thousand metres) or kilogram. (a thousand grams) And, in...

The Bible is full of language that sounds clear, but turns out to have another meaning. It’s straightforward once you know what the true meaning or meanings are, and we can recognize that the disciples were confused by this at times, but so often we...

Today as I write this, it is remembrance day. 104 years ago to the day, the guns stopped firing in World War 1, and nations laid down their weapons for peace. While the peace didn’t last and was temporary, it reminds us of a peace...

John chapter five contains an event where Jesus heals a man on the Sabbath and tells him to carry his matt and walk. In the minds of the Jewish leaders, this equated to working, a thing which was not supposed to be done on the...

You don’t see God with your eyes, unless something very out of the ordinary happens. There are other ways of seeing Him. God is a spirit (John 4:24) so he is “made” of spiritul ‘matter’ and not of atoms. Spiritual things are real, and in fact...

Years ago whilst reading my bible, Psalm 138:3 stood out to me quite powerfully and came alive, so I took note of it. It says: “Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table.” Ps...