Church Tag

When someone is looking for the “best” church to attend, it really depends on what their motive is. I have met people who are looking for a church that meets their needs. They want comfortable chairs, wonderful music, entertaining preaching, an air-conditioned facility, and great babysitting...

One of the struggles that pastors, priests and church leaders have all around the world, is getting their people/parishioners to think beyond themselves. It’s not about them, but about what God is trying to do through them. Typical church attenders come because for them, it is...

How do we know for sure that God is real? For those who know God, it’s a dumb question because it’s so obvious that he is real. God is everywhere, in everything. He is the air we breath, He fills the world with His love....

In 1882, the Morgan Brothers started mining a seam of gold on Ironstone Mountain that proved to be incredibly wealthy. Not long after, during the early years, they were pulling in gold at the rate of more than ten ounces per tonne of dirt. The...

The Bible tells us in Galatians 3:28 that there is “no jew or greek” if we are in Christ. Additionally there is no male or female, slave or free either. The things that identify us as temporary residents in this world, are replaced by a...

Monumental change is going on around you even though all feels normal. It’s like standing on a glacier. It feels solid and still, but in truth it is BIG and it is MOVING. What God is doing right now in the world is profound and hard...

As a young pastor in Mt Morgan struggling for converts I receive wise advise from a traveling evangelist. He told me “it is God who builds the church,” and advised me to pray for God to take His place as builder. I began praying daily the prayer that...

God is stirring up pastors everywhere, with a heart for one Body of Christ. What we are witnessing in our days is something unprecedented in terms of a movement towards being one. And it seems at this time that the City Gate book is here...