City Gate Tag

This is a snippet from Chapter 4 of The City Gate by John Alley. On a recent Sunday morning I asked my church this question: “What one thing, more than any other, if we prayed for it and saw it come about, would do more to...

God is stirring up pastors everywhere, with a heart for one Body of Christ. What we are witnessing in our days is something unprecedented in terms of a movement towards being one. And it seems at this time that the City Gate book is here...

Several thousand copies of the City Gate book are expected to arrive in Australia about mid August. Printing of the books has been completed in Asia and we are awaiting shipping and distribution. A number of people have expressed interest in the books availability, not just...

“The City Gate” is the latest of John Alley’s books. During the recent Australian Apostolic Summit, we had an advance shipment of 150 copies and the book was launched at the summit. All these copies sold quickly. Currently the book is undergoing printing in Indonesia, and a...