humanity Tag

Humanity and Grace Combined In earlier chapters, we spoke at some length of the grace and sovereign power of God at work in apostles. We must now recognise that our humanity remains, and is ‘mixed in’ with the grace of God at every point of the...

Can Other People Take an Apostle ‘Off Course’? Is it possible for others to adversely affect an apostle’s time and ministry, or cause events to turn out contrary to the apostle’s knowledge of the will of God? Yes again! At least one of the shipwrecks Paul...

This is a continuation from Part 1. Do Apostles Ever Speak Their Own Thoughts, Rather Than Purely the Mind of the Lord? Paul gives advice in areas where angels might fear to tread — that of whether to marry or not. These are examples of those passages...

The biblical picture of the true apostle would not be complete without including reference to the natural and obvious fact that apostles are human, and must live and work with the faults and weaknesses of their own humanity. This is not an excuse for sin,...

This is part three of a series of blogs by John Alley, on the topic of the humanity of apostles. These blogs are taken from chapter 10 of the Apostolic Revelation. Part one of this blog series is available here. Humanity and Grace Combined In earlier chapters, we...

This is part three of a series of blogs by John Alley, on the topic of the humanity of apostles. These blogs are taken from chapter 10 of the Apostolic Revelation. Part one of this blog series is available here. Do Apostles Ever Speak Their Own Thoughts,...

This is part three of a series of blogs by John Alley, on the topic of the humanity of apostles. These blogs are taken from chapter 10 of the Apostolic Revelation. Part one of this blog series is available here. The biblical picture of the true apostle would...