Ministry Tag

In Many places in the world, smart phones are taking off and have become the default method of accessing the internet. In Australia, the UK, USA and similar nations, about 60% of people now use a phone or mobile device to access websites. This is...

Currently Peace Apostolic Ministries is ministering in Uganda. Lloyd Gill sends an update. On Tuesday last week we travelled to Masindi, and the next day was involved in a workshop on education, speaking on Fathering and Sonship. I spoke regarding blessing and generational blessing, finished with...

John Alley’s new book The City Gate has arrived today, and we are pleased to be sending out the first pre-orders today to all those who have been so patiently waiting. It has been a long wait, as printing and shipping has taken a number of months, but...

Over the last few weeks John Alley has been ministering in South Africa and Kenya. In South Africa, John was joined by Dennis Wells and Peter Staines. John described their time with these words: “We have been in South Africa a week, and it’s been good....

“The City Gate” is the latest of John Alley’s books. During the recent Australian Apostolic Summit, we had an advance shipment of 150 copies and the book was launched at the summit. All these copies sold quickly. Currently the book is undergoing printing in Indonesia, and a...

We have all heard many sermons on this passage of scripture “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 And...

This year we are participating in a number of key ministry events in Africa. Initially in South Africa in March, then in July both South Africa again and Kenya. If you have any questions about the ministry in South Africa in March and July, please contact...

This short notice is to advise everyone that for the last 6 months or more, we have been using an updated URL for our podcasting file. Previous to this we had a website crash and in the process of fixing things, we upgraded everything including...

For many years we have supported the work of Meng Aun Hour in Cambodia, and the orphanage he runs, and the Jesus school with its hundreds of students. Initially parents wouldn’t let their children attend the school as they were required to scavenge and work...

Since our commission from God to “take the apostolic message to the nations,” we have tried our best with our abilities and resources, and much prayer to do that via all means. We knew we would have to see our materials eventually translated into other...