Mission Tag

Have you ever stopped to consider what you value in ministry? Ministry is about others, and your values should therefore be others focussed. Sometimes ministers find that subconsciously they have self focussed ministry values, aimed to make themselves sucessful. That is, they serve others, so...

David Hood from Peace Apostolic Ministries has just returned from Myanmar after having spent several weeks of ministry there. Pictured is a group of attendees at an apostolic school just two weeks ago. Myanmar is a developing nation that has been through many changes in recent...

Lloyd Gill has just spent the last few weeks in Africa ministering in Tanzania and then Kenya. The gospel is flourishing in sub-saharan Africa, and non more evident in these nations. The gospel is beginning to take a foothold in the top half of Africa...

The last two weeks John and a ministry team has been in Europe visiting Swizterland, and England for ministry. In the photo above is John preaching with a translator in a conference in Spiez, Swizterland. Europe which for so long was the strength of Christianity is now...

For many years we have prayed that the doors of ministry to Europe would open to us. Even though we have as a ministry been to England and Ireland many times, it was really mainline Europe where we have not had opportunity to do much. God...

For many years we have supported the work of Meng Aun Hour in Cambodia, and the orphanage he runs, and the Jesus school with its hundreds of students. Initially parents wouldn’t let their children attend the school as they were required to scavenge and work...

The last several years, the apostolic message has opened up amazingly in Canada. There is something about the hunger and the yearning of the Canadian believers that causes them to embrace what the Lord is doing at this time. It is reminiscent of the Macedonian...