Prayer Tag

2017 has been a year with many positives. The launching of our online apostolic school is an example of that, as well as much travel to many nations, a great apostolic summit, and many lives touched and changed through both prayer and ministry. It was also...

Evan Roberts, the famous Welsh revivalist was once asked what was the secret to revival. His reply was that “there is no secret”, but “It is only ask and receive.” Another way of saying it is that prayer is the “secret” of revival. As believers we...

Nothing good happens unless God does it. In the words of the Psalmist, “unless the Lord builds the house, the workers, labor in vain.” (Psalm 127:1) As humans we are unable to bring the type of change about which God desires. We cannot even change our own husbands...

As a young pastor in Mt Morgan struggling for converts I receive wise advise from a traveling evangelist. He told me “it is God who builds the church,” and advised me to pray for God to take His place as builder. I began praying daily the prayer that...