Uganda Ministry Advances

I am now in Entebbe airport after just on two weeks in Uganda. This has been a very productive trip. I have had the opportunity to speak into the lives of a number of pastors who work in some of the more difficult places. These men and women will largely be unknown outside of their local areas, but serve God faithfully bringing the gospel to their people. These were amongst the most receptive groups of people I have had the pleasure to minister.

It was particularly good going to Pastor Simon’s home area and teaching pastors who grew up with Simon in the faith. They were especially keen for me to return every year, and while I might not be able to do this Simon, who has read all John’s first three books at least four times each, will certainly be able to return and teach through the material. He has a big heart to see the message spread, and is beginning to have doors open to teach Apostolic restoration and relational Christianity, most recently into western Kenya where I will be visiting in October.

There have been a number of important connections made, and a door seems to be opening to Congo, something that Simon and I prayed for last year standing on the shores of lake Albert looking on the mountains of Congo.

In many ways this has been my most challenging trip, but also my most rewarding, the need of pastors in small out of the way places is very real, and a big challenge that can only really be meet by working with “the men of peace” that the Lord leads us to in each nation.

It is a great privilege to be used of the Lord in this work, and it is always amazing to me how when I go somewhere, teach and pray blessing that there is always a tangible sense of the blessing of God on the people.

7 Sep 2016 | Message by Lloyd Gill