The Year of His Bounty

2017 has been a year with many positives. The launching of our online apostolic school is an example of that, as well as much travel to many nations, a great apostolic summit, and many lives touched and changed through both prayer and ministry.

It was also a year of challenge, especially in the area of prayer and spiritual warfare. The nations rage against Christ (Psalm 2) and we have an enemy who opposes God’s kingdom and work. We saw things spiritually and politically in 2017 that call for the prayers of the saints. These are ongoing needs.

We always look forward with faith to what God is going to do in the days ahead. Stories of Christ turning the water into wine remind us that God saves His best for last. C.S. Lewis said “there are far, far better things ahead, than any we leave behind.” These types of thoughts are encouraging to us, especially because we see them to be true. Difficult times may still arrive, but Christ is an ever increasing light to us, and our glory is in Him, and what He brings.

In 2018 we see a year of His bountiful goodness coming. We are looking forward to what Christ will do in us, and through us, and through you too. There are places to go, messages to be preached, people to love, and many songs yet to be sung, all for the glory of God.

Will you join us? Join us in prayer. Join us in going, and ask us how. Join us in serving, and join us in loving, giving, teaching, blessing and honouring others. Let the light of Christ shine through youl. Add your faith with ours for 2018 to be a year of His bounty.

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