31 Aug 23 Days to Launch
It’s been 18 months since we started building our online apostolic school, and we are just 23 days away from publicly launching the first module. We are very excited.
God has given us a message which has changed our hearts, and those of many others too. It is obvious that despite much travelling, the teaching had to do online so that many more had access to it, and so here it comes.
What is an Apostolic School?
The Body of Christ is changing. Not because the world is changing, but because Christ continues to walk with His people, and reform them for their good. Christ is in control and is the Lord of all.
Through our apostolic school we bring a message of hope for the Body of Christ, a vision of much good to come, and a sense of direction and purpose for you and God’s people.
It’s time to consider what Christ is doing in the Church worldwide? How is He at work changing things and for what reasons? Consider signing up to study in the first module of our apostolic school. Send us an expression of interest, and when we launch you will be notified.
Image by: By NASA/Tony Gray and Tom Farrar – http://mediaarchive.ksc.nasa.gov/detail.cfm?mediaid=47295, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=11088605