18 Jul Africa Ministry Update
Over the last few weeks John Alley has been ministering in South Africa and Kenya. In South Africa, John was joined by Dennis Wells and Peter Staines. John described their time with these words:
“We have been in South Africa a week, and it’s been good. I always enjoy South Africa. When we first arrived, we met some key pastors, and then began ministry at the Youth Camp.
The camp venue was a huge place, a remarkable full-brick Christian facility that accommodates 500 in good style, every bedroom and all the small dorms had ensuites. It was in a rural area, surrounded by farms and game reserves, and had beautiful gardens and terraces, and brick roads and walkways everywhere, and ponds with very happy geese. Food was good too.
There was not a large group gathered, but a very significant one. Just 40 or so youth plus some seniors (organisers, cooks, good people!), but these youth were older, mature, Uni students & graduates, and many were pastors kids. Very important ground. And I had strong words regarding their calling, the call to excellence, their world view, etc. I spoke 5 times and Dennis 3. There were other speakers too, and great worship. And a lot of these are coming to my Summit meetings next week in Pretoria.
Yesterday, Sunday, we went to Johannesburg to minister at Gate Ministries, a truly great church of exceptional excellence. These were the people who brought me to South Africa in March [this year] for the big conference. I am greatly loved and honoured there.”
After the South Africa ministry Dennis headed home to Australia, Peter headed onto Zimbabwe for additional ministry, and John was joined by Hazel Alley for ministry in Kenya.
In Kenya John had a big schedule with many meetings for Dr David Juma, including 11 meetings in 3 days, then church services on Sunday. Dr David’s main conregation meets in an old theatre in the centre of Nairobi, a picturesque place and a good venue. In the attached images you can see attendees for some of the apostolic meetings, including a large number of pastors, and also John and Hazel with David and some of his staff.
Your prayers are always valued and as we sow our lives into the ministries of others, we believe that your prayers assist us to do so.
18 Jul 2016 | Message by webmaster, Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash