29 Mar A Book Changing Lives
God is stirring up pastors everywhere, with a heart for one Body of Christ. What we are witnessing in our days is something unprecedented in terms of a movement towards being one. And it seems at this time that the City Gate book is here for such a time as this.
One pastor who has spent 30 years working on building unity in his city, recently read “The City Gate” book. This is what he said:
“I have read, and re read it, and believe that I need to get it into the hands of as many of the Pastors in [his city] as possible.”
Another pastor in a mid size town in Queensland from a traditional denomination recently purchased enough copies to give to everyone in his ministers fraternal meeting. We are now hearing more and more of these types of stories, and it has become more common for us to take orders from pastors for ten or more copies. We see a sign of something happening here.
Could you Help With Something?
We would like to ask 3 small favours. First if you haven’t purchased a copy yet to read, would you please consider purchasing a copy for yourself this month from Koorong, an Australian supplier. Then after purchasing would you leave a review on their site. This helps build a better demand for this book.
Second if you have already read the book, would you leave an Amazon review. You can do that here.
Finally, if you have read the book, and agree with us that it helps to promote the work of Christ in cities, would you consider buying a copy to give to your pastor, or other pastors you know. We think small actions like this help to change the Body of Christ, and help the Lord in doing what He is wanting to do today.