Listed below are a number of significant things we believe the Bible says about apostles. This is not a creed, and neither is it necessarily comprehensive. This is not to be confused with any list of apostolic doctrines as listed by any number of apostolic denominational churches. When we speak here of apostolic doctrine we are not talking denominationally, but simply rather in terms of New Testament life and what the Bible has to say.
In “The Apostolic Revelation” all of the above beliefs are well expounded. If you have an questions, please contact us – we would love to hear from you.
In addition, as part of the formal doctrinal statement of Peace Christian Church and it’s ministry Peace Apostolic Ministries, we have included the following as our statement of belief regarding the restoration of the apostolic nature of the Church.
Concerning apostles and apostolic ministry, we believe that Christ has appointed apostles in every generation, and continues to appoint apostles today just as He did for the first century church. These apostles are called, equipped and appointed to express the authority of Christ in the church and provide leadership for the church. Apostles today have the same authority, given by grace and exercised through grace, as did the first apostles, except that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments may not be changed or added to. The apostolic church of Jesus Christ is personal and relational, rather than institutional. Apostles exercise a personal ministry, and a relational and spiritual authority. The authority of Jesus Christ rests upon each apostle personally through a holy anointing, the degree of which may vary depending on the anointing given, but is not conferred by institutional office. As taught in Holy Scripture, the churches of Jesus Christ are meant to recognise the apostolic office, receive those true apostles sent by Christ but reject the false, maintain a heart of submission towards the spiritual authority of apostles, and live in harmony with their biblical way of life and teaching. The institutions of the Christian church are not to control the apostolic ministry, but to serve it and thereby serve Jesus Christ. Apostles seek to bring the people of God into freedom, and are not authoritarian or controlling. The goal of the apostolic ministry is to bring the believers into community. The true apostle is also in submission to others, and this submission will be evident in the relationships in which the apostle walks.