Author: David Alley

There has been much said about the idea of sonship. The biblical language concerning sonship is almost exclusively ‘father’ and ‘son’. Concerning God and Christ, this must never be changed, but in the church there has to be some understanding. In this modern era women...

Recently some people have questioned how spiritual the body is, but the Christian faith and the scriptures attest that the body, that is our bodies, are in fact spiritual and important. The human body has a hugely important and central role, both in Christ’s life...

For many years now we have heard much talk in the media about climate change, sometimes called global warming. Not everyone agrees that the climate is changing, and those who agree are split on whether its caused by humans, or a natural phenomena. This blog...

It is common for teachers or child supervisors to select two children, who are “chosen” to be the captains of two teams. Those two children feel special at having been chosen, and then they proceed to select their teams based on what is best for...

In 1882, the Morgan Brothers started mining a seam of gold on Ironstone Mountain that proved to be incredibly wealthy. Not long after, during the early years, they were pulling in gold at the rate of more than ten ounces per tonne of dirt. The...

There is no better example of a relational maturity than that which exists in the Godhead. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one, and they are also three persons. United in thought, heart and mind, of one purpose and agreed in all they do....

Lloyd Gill has just returned on behalf of ‘Peace’ from some fruitful ministry in both Tanzania and Kenya meeting with key brothers, congregations and ministries in Dar ‘es Salaam, and also in Nairobi and the surrounding areas. In Tanzania during December 6-9, Lloyd spoke and ministered...

In Ephesians 4:13 it states “This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.” (NLV) What is going to...