Author: David Alley

Have you ever stopped to consider what you value in ministry? Ministry is about others, and your values should therefore be others focussed. Sometimes ministers find that subconsciously they have self focussed ministry values, aimed to make themselves sucessful. That is, they serve others, so...

Who is the first apostle in the Bible? While it seems that we first find apostles in the gospel accounts when Jesus selected his twelve, actually none of these are first. The writer of Hebrews tells us to “fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge...

The outback of Australia is one of the most remote parts of the planet, and also one of the least populated. Over the years a number of ministries have endeavored to reach out to people living in the interior. The most well known of these...

During April Peace has ministered, with the visit of Pastor Lloyd Gill, at a number of locations in Uganda, Africa. Lloyd has ministered for Bishop Wafula Frederick, Pastor Simon Bali and Brother Timothy at a number of locations including Kampala, Wakitaka and a remote place near...

Apart from other reasons, undoubtedly one of the purposes of Jesus’ parables is to incite hunger in the hearts of genuine seekers after Jesus/the Truth. If I said to my children, “Your Christmas present this year is like…” and told them a parable type story that...

Over the weekend just gone, millions of believers all around the world have celebrated and remembered the death and resurrection of our Lord. Through his death we have atonement, redemption, justification, and in fact are given everything we need for life in Christ. But a...

Over the last few decades as apostolic concepts have been explored around the world, there has frequently been a tendency towards external things. It’s easy to observe what can be seen and praise the latest, greatest things happening. Big ministries who plant many churches can...

Over the last 20 years, John Alley, and Peace Apostolic Ministries has travelled and ministered in about 40 nations, and on every continent. (excluding Antarctica) This has been a journey of love, and the Lord strongly impressed that we were to “take an apostolic message to...

During our New Years Even prayer meeting in 2017 we had discussed between us some of the difficulties and hardships of 2017. The Lord was with us, but it had been hard work. Many of us felt that the year behind contained many lessons and...