Author: David Hood

EXPECTATIONS – BASE THEM ON WHAT GOD’S WORD SAYS? It’s probably time to move on to another topic so this will for the time being my last blog on expectations. We discussed how expectations are established through experiences and the only way to break the cycle is...

EXPECTATIONS – A TRAGIC CONSEQUENCE? This week I want to discuss further the consequence of wrong expectations with a specific focus. When Jesus taught His disciples to pray He said, ““when you pray, say: “Father””. Jesus referred to God as His father and tells us that...

EXPECTATIONS – WHAT SHOULD THEY BE? We saw last week that what we believe determines what we expect. We also referred to Paul’s instruction to the Roman Church to not be conformed to the pattern of this world, BUT, be transformed by the renewing of our...

EXPECTATIONS – WHERE THEY CAME FROM AND HOW TO CHANGE THEM I concluded my last blog with some questions relating to the topic of expectation. I would now like to relate this back to the topics I addressed last year, those of Love and Unity. If we...

Romans 8:18-21 It is some time since I have written. We have navigated the Christmas, New Year and school holiday seasons and have ventured into 2020. In my previous blogs I discussed two things that were dear to the heart of our Lord Jesus, and thus...

John 17:20-26 Unity For the past 5 weeks we have discussed the Great Commandment and Love. We are now going to consider another passage which gives us a clear insight into Christ’s desire for us. In this passage known as the High Priestly Prayer, we read the Lord...

John 13:34-35 The Great Commandment We concluded last weeks blog with Paul’s exhortation in 1 Thessalonians 4:9-10. It should be noted that he had commended them for their love, but urged them to love more. Was there an outcome from his exhortation? We find in his next...

John 13:34-35   The Great Commandment   In my last blog I discussed some things that the Apostle John wrote about love in his first epistle. We will now consider some of what the Apostle Paul had to say about the topic. Love, of course, is a major theme...

John 13:34-35   The Great Commandment   I concluded my last blog with a quote from John’s first Epistle (1 John 5:1-3), we will now consider some more of what John wrote in his letter, particularly with regard to our topic “The Command to Love”. There is often arguments...

Last week I concluded with the following question. If we loved one another like Christ loved us, what effect would this have on our Christian witness, and the world around us? To me it is obvious that if the Lord gives an instruction there is a...