
Latest news and articles from Peace

Lloyd Gill has just spent the last few weeks in Africa ministering in Tanzania and then Kenya. The gospel is flourishing in sub-saharan Africa, and non more evident in these nations. The gospel is beginning to take a foothold in the top half of Africa...

500 years ago today, Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the door of the castle church at Wittenburg in Saxony, Germany and sparked years of turmoil and angst in Christianity. Behind it all actually, God was at work, and although we have looked back...

The last two weeks John and a ministry team has been in Europe visiting Swizterland, and England for ministry. In the photo above is John preaching with a translator in a conference in Spiez, Swizterland. Europe which for so long was the strength of Christianity is now...

Evan Roberts, the famous Welsh revivalist was once asked what was the secret to revival. His reply was that “there is no secret”, but “It is only ask and receive.” Another way of saying it is that prayer is the “secret” of revival. As believers we...

After having spent 2 years in building our online training environment, we have now launched complete with 2 modules for study. One of these includes Module I in Apostolic Ministry. The other is a module of Study in Intercession. We are now at the point where...

It’s been twenty years since Christ commissioned John Alley to take an apostolic message to the nations. In that time we have criss-crossed the world teaching people, mostly pastors, how to be apostolic and what that means for life and service to Christ. About 2 years...

It’s been 18 months since we started building our online apostolic school, and we are just 23 days away from publicly launching the first module. We are very excited. God has given us a message which has changed our hearts, and those of many others too....

In just a few weeks our online school goes public and will be open for registrations and study. Initially there is just 2 courses that can be completed, but in the year ahead, we will be adding more courses to the learning environment. To start you...

Nothing good happens unless God does it. In the words of the Psalmist, “unless the Lord builds the house, the workers, labor in vain.” (Psalm 127:1) As humans we are unable to bring the type of change about which God desires. We cannot even change our own husbands...

This is a snippet from Chapter 4 of The City Gate by John Alley. On a recent Sunday morning I asked my church this question: “What one thing, more than any other, if we prayed for it and saw it come about, would do more to...