
Who is the first apostle in the Bible? While it seems that we first find apostles in the gospel accounts when Jesus selected his twelve, actually none of these are first. The writer of Hebrews tells us to “fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge...

The outback of Australia is one of the most remote parts of the planet, and also one of the least populated. Over the years a number of ministries have endeavored to reach out to people living in the interior. The most well known of these...

During April Peace has ministered, with the visit of Pastor Lloyd Gill, at a number of locations in Uganda, Africa. Lloyd has ministered for Bishop Wafula Frederick, Pastor Simon Bali and Brother Timothy at a number of locations including Kampala, Wakitaka and a remote place near...

Apart from other reasons, undoubtedly one of the purposes of Jesus’ parables is to incite hunger in the hearts of genuine seekers after Jesus/the Truth. If I said to my children, “Your Christmas present this year is like…” and told them a parable type story that...

Over the weekend just gone, millions of believers all around the world have celebrated and remembered the death and resurrection of our Lord. Through his death we have atonement, redemption, justification, and in fact are given everything we need for life in Christ. But a...

This is continued from part three. The NIV translation uses the English word pledge in the apostle Peter’s teaching about the meaning of baptism (1 Peter 3: 21), but this is not a pledge in the sense of making a vow, and other translations do not use...

This is continued from part two. He believed that to keep the revival, and to consolidate the work God had done, the people needed to enter into a solemn oath and covenant before God. In March, 1742, he drew up such a document, which is recorded in...

This article is continued from Part 1 The man’s ‘delusion’ was, having read that in the last times the Holy Spirit would give gifts to all believers and not just to ministers, he thought, because of the revival, the time must have come, and so he...

How do you maintain a revival once you have one? The question is relevant, because most of the revivals in history have been very short-lived. Not many revivals last more than a year or two; some last only a day or two. Who wants to...