27 Oct Europe Ministry
The last two weeks John and a ministry team has been in Europe visiting Swizterland, and England for ministry.
In the photo above is John preaching with a translator in a conference in Spiez, Swizterland.
Europe which for so long was the strength of Christianity is now struggling with a weakening faith, as people become nominal in faith and remain Christian so often in just name only. Yet in Europe God has many good people, and additionally the influx of refugees from the Middle East has also brought with it fresh life. Both existing Christians, and muslims keen to learn of Christianity are entering Europe in their thousands. God is working in this whole area. God is never outwitted and has plans that will yet amaze us and astound our children.
Meanwhile, God has given us an apostolic message which is greatly needed in Europe. Formalism and institutionalism frequently cripple a living faith, and God has shown us that He wants the Body of Christ to be relational. The message of sonship, community and the understanding we share about apostles, has power to radically change any congregation. It has changed our own, so we know it. This message is urgently needed in Europe.
Europe has long been one of the parts of the world we have only occasionally been able to visit and minister in, hwoever it seems that opportunities are increasing, especially having ministered in Switzerland now 3 times in 12 months. Please keep us in your prayers that these doors will continue to open. We need your prayers and we thank you for them.