18 Mar How Does Apostolic Covering Work?
The life of one person can have an affect on many. Spiritual covering is a grace or anointing on a person, more specifically an apostle or leader appointed by Christ. This is an in-depth topic and is covered comprehensively in chapter 7 of “The Apostolic Revelation.”
In the beginning Adam was the “Father” to the human race. The consequences of his actions affected us all. His fall was tragic and the result was that the choices of one affected many. Adam was a covering for the whole human race, and that became faulty.
The result of Adam’s faulty covering was the coming of Christ as a second Adam. Because of His righteous life and obedience to Christ, restoration of all good things became possible. The life of one affects the many who place their trust in Him. Christ becomes a covering to all who place our lives under His care.
More Examples
Moses was called as one man to lead the Children of Israel out of Egypt, and as such He was given anointing to lead. Moses provided for them a covering, was a Father to them, and in Hebrews it says all were “baptised into Moses.” While this sounds strange, it emphasises how God uses one man as a covering to His people.
Abraham was the father of many nations, and through Christ he becomes our father. We inherit the blessings of God given to Abraham. Here is a powerful example of covering as an anointing, and means of blessing and grace, if we are under the covering. Here is an example of one man providing covering and blessing to many.
Through Scripture there are more and more examples of how God used just one person as a covering for His people. It is God’s way of doing things. King David was the “Shepherd of Israel. “Apostle Paul was the “Apostle to the Gentiles” and a “Father in Christ” whereas Peter was the “Apostle to the Jews” and Christ said that Peter was a rock on which He was going to build the church. Peter is a Father to all of us as Christians today.
The Nature of Covering
Apostolic covering is actually the covering of Christ. It is something provided by God to His people and He uses apostles to provide it. Through this covering there is grace and blessing provided to God’s people, and in addition there is protection, accountability and belonging too. To benefit from the covering of Christ we need to have hearts given to our leaders.
The giving of the heart is a choice to serve and to care for your leader. When the heart is given, and you are in right relationship, then the gate opens for the channel of blessing to flow. This is something that applies to all believers in addition to ministries and ministers.