Solomon Islands Ministry 2016

This September Isaac Jenkins and myself visited the Solomon Islands on behalf of Peace Apostolic Ministries to minister at an annual Leadership Summit in Honiara. Pastors were in attendance from most of the Solomon Islands provinces, including Choiseul where one pastor travelled 5 days by sea to be in attendance.

Many of the provincial pastors don’t have access to quality internet (or any internet) and little in the way of reading material other than their Bibles. The leadership summit was a time of revelation, insight and impartation for them. I was able to speak to them regarding a victorious eschatology, a concept which seemed to really bless many of the pastors and lift them up in a new way.

We also spoke of missions, not just in the Solomon Islands, but also internationally, and spent the majority of time talking about what it means to be apostolic, and giving an fresh view of the Body of Christ and the Church.

The people of the Solomon Islands are happy people, and Pastor Alfred, along with Pastors Steve and Lemmy Alufurai are people of the highest quality who have given and are giving their lives for the islands to come to know Christ. It is our privilege to be able to love and serve them and help them in what God has given them to do.