Bible Tag

John 13:34-35   The Great Commandment   In my last blog I discussed some things that the Apostle John wrote about love in his first epistle. We will now consider some of what the Apostle Paul had to say about the topic. Love, of course, is a major theme...

The book of Genesis is sometimes despised by people because of its origin stories. It has also been picked apart with suggestions that its not internally coherent, and wasn’t written by one person but by four. However the book of Genesis is a brilliant book, internally...

John 13:34-35   The Great Commandment   I concluded my last blog with a quote from John’s first Epistle (1 John 5:1-3), we will now consider some more of what John wrote in his letter, particularly with regard to our topic “The Command to Love”. There is often arguments...

False Shepherds at the End of the Age At the end of the age there will be a satanic onslaught — Jesus said many false prophets will appear (Matthew 24:11) and deceive many people (but not necessarily believers). He added that false Christs and false prophets...

Last week I concluded with the following question. If we loved one another like Christ loved us, what effect would this have on our Christian witness, and the world around us? To me it is obvious that if the Lord gives an instruction there is a...

Recently some people have questioned how spiritual the body is, but the Christian faith and the scriptures attest that the body, that is our bodies, are in fact spiritual and important. The human body has a hugely important and central role, both in Christ’s life...

There are some passages of scripture that are very well known, but unfortunately not much heeded. Let us consider Christ’s command and examine what is contained in it, and look for what can be discovered. Our Lord Jesus Christ was with His disciples, He was soon...

This is part four of a series of blogs by John Alley, on the topic of the humanity of apostles. These blogs are taken from chapter 10 of the Apostolic Revelation. Part three (the previous part) of this blog series is available here. Paul’s Observations About False...

For many years now we have heard much talk in the media about climate change, sometimes called global warming. Not everyone agrees that the climate is changing, and those who agree are split on whether its caused by humans, or a natural phenomena. This blog...

It is common for teachers or child supervisors to select two children, who are “chosen” to be the captains of two teams. Those two children feel special at having been chosen, and then they proceed to select their teams based on what is best for...