Relationship Tag

John 13:34-35 The Great Commandment We concluded last weeks blog with Paul’s exhortation in 1 Thessalonians 4:9-10. It should be noted that he had commended them for their love, but urged them to love more. Was there an outcome from his exhortation? We find in his next...

John 13:34-35   The Great Commandment   In my last blog I discussed some things that the Apostle John wrote about love in his first epistle. We will now consider some of what the Apostle Paul had to say about the topic. Love, of course, is a major theme...

John 13:34-35   The Great Commandment   I concluded my last blog with a quote from John’s first Epistle (1 John 5:1-3), we will now consider some more of what John wrote in his letter, particularly with regard to our topic “The Command to Love”. There is often arguments...

Last week I concluded with the following question. If we loved one another like Christ loved us, what effect would this have on our Christian witness, and the world around us? To me it is obvious that if the Lord gives an instruction there is a...

There are some passages of scripture that are very well known, but unfortunately not much heeded. Let us consider Christ’s command and examine what is contained in it, and look for what can be discovered. Our Lord Jesus Christ was with His disciples, He was soon...

There is no better example of a relational maturity than that which exists in the Godhead. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one, and they are also three persons. United in thought, heart and mind, of one purpose and agreed in all they do....

In the book of Daniel we read about the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar. He saw a statue with a head of Gold, a shoulder of silver, a middle of bronze and lower parts of iron, and iron with clay. These were the kingdoms of the...