The Year of Opportunity

During our New Years Even prayer meeting in 2017 we had discussed between us some of the difficulties and hardships of 2017. The Lord was with us, but it had been hard work. Many of us felt that the year behind contained many lessons and much learning for us, and that along with that season, that a new period lay ahead. Not just in that prayer meeting, but ever since, there is real sense of hope and optimism for 2018. The word that best describes what we believe and feel is ‘opportunity.’

2018 is a year of opportunity. Each of us have things placed before us by the Lord that we can take a hold of, and should. Some (or most) of these opportunities come dressed in overalls and will require hard work to take a hold of them. While this hard work may include many things, it will most certainly include prayer.

In his message 2 weeks ago, John talked about the need to close one door, which is your bedroom door for the purposes of prayer, that other doors may open. These other doors are doors of opportunity. When we go to prayer it opens up other things to us, and the Lord works on our behalf.

In John Alley’s message last week, he discussed the need to add faith to our prayers. We can often repeat prayers, and say many words, and yet it has little power. The missing ingredient is that we must believe God. That one simple change has great power and can do much because it puts the Lord into the driver’s seat.

Don’t let what the Lord wants to pass you by. Opportunity isn’t just what you want to happen, but is what the Lord desires and desires to do through you. Let us combine faith with our prayers and see God bring great things out of this year. He can do much through us for the sake of others, and bring great things to us also.

Why not! Pray and Believe!