Books By John Alley

Since 2003 John Alley has written 3 great books. For John and the people of Peace Australia, it has been a journey with Christ along new roads which has brought with it many exciting and interesting turns.

Each of these books has not just been a case of compiling information, but rather a journey of the heart, finding Christ and seeing Him in each other.

The first book, The Apostolic Revelation, published in 2003 was a work summarising over 13 years of inquiry into the Mind of the Lord. John Alley has sought and asked questions of Christ for many years and this work is the culmination of where Christ brought him, and the church with him.

The second book, The Spirit of Sonship builds upon the first book. The subtitle is “An Apostolic Grace” and takes from where the first book stops and develops the whole concept of Fathering and Sonship in the ministry and in the Kingdom. This book is where the rubber meets the road for many people serving Christ in the ministry. For the people of Peace Australia, great breakthroughs came as we learned to be sons.

The third book, Holy Community is a step further into what it means to be an Apostolic People. It is not possible to be a people of one heart and mind without the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of Understanding. What a tremendous difference it makes when Understanding comes upon a people to give them one heart, one mind and one focus. This has been the journey of the people of Peace Australia. John Alley expounds this and details and great clarity.

From this point on, I will be writing excerpts from these three books to inform and inspire people in terms of faith, grace and the walk of believers with Christ and each other. Keep coming back to this Page and seeing the updates.

17 Oct 2011 | Message by John Alley