10 May Uganda Ministry 2018
During April Peace has ministered, with the visit of Pastor Lloyd Gill, at a number of locations in Uganda, Africa.
Lloyd has ministered for Bishop Wafula Frederick, Pastor Simon Bali and Brother Timothy at a number of locations including Kampala, Wakitaka and a remote place near Lake Kyoga.
Over the years Peace has ministered in Uganda on many occasions, and a number of us have been there, including Lloyd multiple times. God has been very gracious in opening doors and allowing us to sow the seed of the apostolic message into hearts and minds across this nation.
Uganda is good ground. Since the 1970’s when the dictator Idi Amin ruled the land with an iron fist, and when believers were persecuted, the country has amazingly changed to become about 90% christian. People are committed to prayer, and Uganda was the first nation in Africa to see the scourge of AIDS start to retreat through prayer, teaching and abstinence. God is at work in this land, and it is our privilege to be a part of it.
Keep Uganda in your prayers, pray the apostolic message with spread rapidly and be honoured. Pray for men like Pastor Simon, and Bishop Wafula and others we know, that they will be effective in their ministries for Christ.