Community Tag

In the middle of June 1998, our church had been going through some problems with division and disagreement, mostly over the “apostolic message.” It was during this time that John Alley, the Senior Minister, spent a month in prayer from 6am to 6pm each day...

The word community is not one that everyone relates to. For some it has unwanted associated ideas and can be confusing to people as to exactly what it means. To avoid misunderstanding, let us clear up one common misconception. Community is not about living in a...

Why is there so little power in the Church today? Pastors and other church leaders spend all nights in prayer, working hard trying to build their congregations, with small success and few results. The same men sometimes burn out. They may quit the ministry, go...

In 1882, the Morgan Brothers started mining a seam of gold on Ironstone Mountain that proved to be incredibly wealthy. Not long after, during the early years, they were pulling in gold at the rate of more than ten ounces per tonne of dirt. The...