Teaching Tag

After having spent 2 years in building our online training environment, we have now launched complete with 2 modules for study. One of these includes Module I in Apostolic Ministry. The other is a module of Study in Intercession. We are now at the point where...

It’s been twenty years since Christ commissioned John Alley to take an apostolic message to the nations. In that time we have criss-crossed the world teaching people, mostly pastors, how to be apostolic and what that means for life and service to Christ. About 2 years...

It’s been 18 months since we started building our online apostolic school, and we are just 23 days away from publicly launching the first module. We are very excited. God has given us a message which has changed our hearts, and those of many others too....

Have you noticed the huge increase in information (and mis-information) in the world about apostles and apostolic ministry lately? There is a surge of interest in something new that God is doing in the nations. For more than twenty years, Peace Apostolic Ministries has been educating...

It is God who opens doors and closes them. Sometimes we try to force doors, and working in our own strength we miss the grace of God. But when the Lord builds the house, grace flows freely, good things happen, and unnusual and special things...

God is stirring up pastors everywhere, with a heart for one Body of Christ. What we are witnessing in our days is something unprecedented in terms of a movement towards being one. And it seems at this time that the City Gate book is here...

Coming Soon…. our online training environment where you will be able to participate in an apostolic school online. We’ve been working hard to get our training environment up, and over the last few months since our last update we have recorded a lot of video, built...

We humans have a terrible track record for taking things which are full of life, exciting, and where God is moving, and turning them into systems, traditions, programs, patterns. We turn life into something formal. We can all think of any number of moves of God...

This September Isaac Jenkins and myself visited the Solomon Islands on behalf of Peace Apostolic Ministries to minister at an annual Leadership Summit in Honiara. Pastors were in attendance from most of the Solomon Islands provinces, including Choiseul where one pastor travelled 5 days by...

For six months now we have been working and planning toward our online apostolic school. This will be an virtual training environment with video, reading material, quizzes and also interaction with teachers, for learning and understanding what God is doing in regards to the apostolic...