Apostle Tag

Of the Moravians it was said that they were a people “who greatly admired each other.” There was an invisible ‘something’ that this group of people had that caused them to admire each other significantly. That is very unusual! We can all bring to mind countless examples...

Count Nikolaus von Zinzendorf was a landowner and nobleman in Moravia (modern day Germany) in the early 1700’s. The Church of the day had gone 200 years since the reformation and many ‘traditions’ had grown “tired” and the Church was lacking in life. Some believers...

This section is not meant to offend anyone, but simply enlighten people about a concept which is frequently misunderstood. No method of church government is without its failures, however congregational government is deeply flawed and this needs to be understood. Previously our church in Rockhampton was...

What God did in our church in Rockhampton at a congregational level He wants to do at a citywide level. The change required to achieve this requires the miraculous intervention of God, and the prayers of His people. In previous articles in this set, I have...

Natural to our sinful condition is the idea (even if subconscious) that we are better than other people. You might sometimes meet someone with a low sense of self-worth, or inferior complex. But even they have the same struggle, and their disappointment with themselves is...